Reporting Absences
- Notification: Parents/guardians must report student absences by 9:15 AM on the day of the absence. This can be done by:
- Emailing <> and copying the student’s teacher.
- Calling the attendance line at 925-258-6320.
- Late Notification: Failure to notify the office by 9:15 AM will result in an automated attendance call.
- Required Information: When reporting an absence, please provide:
- Student's full name (spell the last name).
- Teacher's name.
- Reason for absence and estimated duration.
- Your name and relationship to the student.
- Doctor's Notes: For illness-related absences of three or more days, a doctor's note must be submitted within five days of the student's return.
According to Education Code Section 48205, the following types of absences are either excused or unexcused.
Students can complete all assignments and tests missed during the absence, receiving full credit for completed work.
Students may be able to complete all assignments and tests missed during the absence, receiving full credit for completed work.
*Not applicable to TK-8
Independent Study Requests
- Management: The attendance clerk manages all independent study requests.
- Duration:
- Independent study periods must be between 5 and 10 school days.
- Students are permitted one period of Independent Study of 5-10 days per student, per school year.
- Advance Notice: Requests must be submitted 10 school days prior to the desired start date.
- Approval Process:
- The principal must approve the independent study before it can be initiated.
- Parents/guardians should email their request to <> and copy the student's teacher.
- Independent Study Process:
- The attendance clerk receives the request.
- The clerk obtains principal approval.
- The clerk coordinates with the teacher to prepare the independent study packet and provides it to the parent/guardian.
- Completed packets are due on the student's return date.
- The clerk files the completed independent study in Aeries.
- The clerk provides the packet to the teacher for final review.