Physical Education
Physical Education
Physical Education
Physical Education
PE, FUN for Everyone!
Fun for Everyone is our motto for physical education “PE” at Del Rey. Student’s success, joy in activity, sportsmanship and inclusivity are paramount.
Lessons include physical fitness “Fitness First,” skill development and lively games.
Fitness First - Physical fitness is always first. Fitness exercises are designed to teach proper technique as well as improve cardiovascular health, muscular strength & endurance and flexibility. Click HERE to view a list of common exercises.
Skills - Skills at all levels are taught with consideration for students’ ages and abilities.
1st -3rd grade students focus on locomotor skills, manipulatives (balls, bean bags, hula hoops, paddles & balls, frisbees, rings, etc.), rhythms (dance and jump rope), stunts & tumbling (body management skills).
3rd - 5th grade students focus on lead-up skills for sports (soccer, frisbee, volleyball, football, team handball, pickleball, basketball, hockey, wiffle ball baseball, track & field, etc.) as well as rhythms (dance and jump rope), stunts & tumbling.
Games - Games are designed to encourage self-responsibility and positive social interaction.
1st - 2nd grade students play cooperative games such as music mixers, tag, whereas 3rd - 5th grade students play non-competitive activities as well as lead-up games for sports.
FitnessGram - Students in every grade practice and partake in some form of the FitnessGram. It is a CA State requirement for 5th graders whose scores are recorded and submitted in April. See link below.
Physical Fitness Tests:
>> Mile Run - Aerobic capacity
>> Push-ups - Upper body muscular strength & endurance
>> Crunch Test - Core muscular strength & endurance
>> Trunk Lift - Core muscular strength & endurance
>> Shoulder Stretch Test - Flexibility
>> BMI - Body Composition (ht/wt required for 5th grade)
Please note:
>> 1st through 5th grade students participate in two 30-minute PE lessons per week with the PE teacher and 40 minutes of activity per week with their classroom teacher.
>> 1st through 5th grade students participate in two 30-minute PE lessons per week with the PE teacher and 40 minutes of activity per week with their classroom teacher.
>>Remind your child to dress appropriately and wear closed-toe tennis shoes on PE days.
>>If your child is unable to participate for any reason, please send a note describing the reason and the duration, and s/he will be excused from physical activity. An alternate activity may be provided.
Exercise your Heart!
